file directory - FAN/APP/GRAPH/DEMO

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APRIL.LZH 474972 Mar 21 1994 The Aprilfool Demo, nett gemacht, incl. kleinem Puzzlespiel und Jaguar-Screen mit Supersound !.
CORE.ZIP 642208 Mar 21 1994 Core-Demo, nettes Teil mit SUPER-Intro !!! Koennte STE-only sein...
DEMOPARC.ZIP 490465 May 19 1995 Demo version of the picture database PARC. Reads JPG, TIF, GIF, several other formats, canread pictures directly from the CHILI video digitizer. Demo version can write a max. of 10 pictures per archive. German DOCs only.
PARCA_D1.ZIP 337191 May 19 1995 Small demo Database for use with PARC.
CASIO.ZIP 279976 May 8 1997 english and french site)
AWDEMO.ZIP 621982 May 8 1997 ArtWorx Demo version

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file directory - FAN/APP/GRAPH/DEMO

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